

Driving Service

Cross Roads offers a driving service to Child Welfare Workers, which is not included in the group home per diem rate. Child Welfare Workers can contact the director to arrange a driver. 

Reporting Information

Progress Report – will provide a individualized progress report at the end of every month on each youth.

Critical Incident Reports – to be completed within 24 hours of the incident. 

Discharge Report – to be completed once the youth has been discharged from the program, highlighting treatment strategies that were successful and providing overall recommendations.

Mid-Year Outcomes Report – to be completed one month after mid-point of the fiscal year. Reporting on the achievement of program goals and Outcomes.

Annual Outcomes Report – to be completed 90 days after the year end. Reporting on the achievement of program goals and Outcomes

Client Care Plan – to be completed within 45 days of placement. Outlining the clients specific Care Plan.

Concurrent or Transitional Plan – to be completed within one week of placement of client. Every 90 days thereafter. Detail description of clients placement path.

R&E  (Referral and Evaluation of Service) – to be completed within one week of placement of client.  Detailed breakdown of service objectives and outcomes.

Information Consolidation or OCAR (Ongoing Case Assessment Review) – to  be completed within one week of placement of client. Detailed summary of clients information

Pre –Evaluations Survey – Will be completed within 2 weeks of placement. Cross Roads will use our Outcome Standard Tool for Youth Advancement. 

Post –Evaluations Survey – Will be completed Within 30 days of final placement date. Cross Roads will use our Outcome Standard Tool for Youth Advancement.

Cultural Programming

Cross Roads is a culturally rich and sensitive environment for its Indigenous youth.  A variety of organizations and resources shall be utilized to connect our Indigenous children to their heritage. Community outings will be incorporated into programming for cultural events. Daily smudges and ceremonies such as Round Dances and Sweats will be an integral part of programming.

Scheduled weekly programming will also include an Indigenous Mentor program that will involve an Indigenous care giver working “in house” with youth.  Activities such as craft work, cooking, hand games, sharing circles and other culturally based activities will be offered.

Educational Programming

Public schools will be selected based on youth needs. Behavioural and educational needs will be tailored to embrace a variety of strategies to help with the academic success of our youth. 

If standard academics may be a struggle for youth we will utilize programs such as the  Behavioural Learning Assistance Program, Knowledge and Employability Program, Opportunities Program, Registered Apprentice Program, Work X Program, Community Living Program and Life Skills Program. 

Appropriate and consistent educational programming will be employed (as per provincial standards) Close relationships will be maintained with youths schools and activities.

Staff/and tutors will be made available to help youth with their work to enhance scholastic advancement. Programming will be modified until a measurable level of success is achieved and maintained.

Counseling  Involvement

A registered clinician will be made available to our youth to help deal with personal challenges.  Trained and experienced staff at Cross Roads will hold planned group therapy sessions in house to help youth deal with both personal and group challenges. Care givers will also utilize community programs to help educate youth on issues such as drug and alcohol abuse, family violence, sexually transmitted diseases and other issues.

Recreational Programming

Cross Roads provides a community activity or recreational outing every evening. This teaches our youth to have positive days so they can participate in the evening activity. It also gives our youth the opportunity to become familiar with community resources. 

Scheduled programming will include a City of Edmonton Recreational Centre membership (swimming, skating, gym, basketball)  Each youth will also receive their own  Multi-Play Passes for the West Edmonton Mall. The pass is a six-month pass that allows the youth to participate in all the parks and attractions the mall has to offer. Some of the favorites attractions that the youth enjoy are the Water Park and Galaxyland Amusement park. The youth also get the opportunity to go to the Sea life taverns, mini putting at the Putt n’ Glow, skating at the Ice Palace and bowling at Ed’s Rec Room. Finally the Rope Quest with a rope obstacle course, which has tight ropes, rope ladders and other rope courses.

Cross Roads care givers will ensure that youth experience an array of physical activities. Staff supervision and participation will enrich youth experience.

Youth will be encouraged to enroll in organizations such as boxing clubs, art programs, leaders in training, martial arts, sports teams etc, based on personal interest.

Individualized Programming

Our individualized programming is essential to our guiding purpose and past success. We acknowledge the fact that each and every youth is different and unique in their own shape, form and fashion: therefore we believe that programming  specifically designed to cater to the youth’s likes and interests will develop confidence, pro social skills, self esteem and personal fulfillment. 

Programs such as dance, music, art, cooking, community soccer, baseball, basketball, football and floor hockey are just a few activities that former youth have participated in. Cross Roads will continue to help youth find a program or activity that they enjoy to help along their path while in the program.

Employment Enhancement Program

Our employment enhancement program will help assist youth in developing job readiness skills to enable youth to find and retain employment. 

Various components of this program are:

Self assessment – assist the youth in discovering his/her employment and skills

Job Research –  explore the various employment opportunities  that match the youth’s skills and knowledge

Employment Search –   assist youth in learning how to find potential employment and how to access the hidden job market.

Resume – assist youth in developing an effective resume and cover letter that  reflects the skills of the youth.

Interviewing skills – discussing the various types of interviews and how to be effective in an interview. 

Job retention – discussing the appropriate dress for the work environment.

Per Diem Rate

This includes:
  • Cross Roads shall provide room and board, supervision and individualized skill development on a twenty four (24) hour basis to clients in a housing unit in Edmonton,  Alberta.  
  • Ongoing clothing allowance in addition to maintaining clothing to standard including seasonal clothing such as winter boots, coats, etc.
  • Individual Weekly Allowances
  • Birthday and Christmas gifts
  • Medical (optical, dental and physical)
  • Salaried tutoring assistance
  • School field trips or camping trips
  • Crisis one to one support for the first forty eight hours
  • Recreation costs (agency is responsible for group costs for daily recreation)
  • Cultural programming
  • An intake study to assess the needs of the youth
  • Incidentals
  • Group Therapy at Cross Roads
  • All driving and parking costs to and from appointments, as well as all fees associated with our programming within Edmonton,  Alberta.
Per Diem does NOT include:
  • School registration fees
  • School transportation fees
  • Ongoing counseling 
  • Drives outside Edmonton or drive escorts. 

Licensing, Certification & Accreditation

Cross Roads meets all the standards set out under the Social Care Facilities Licensing Act and does possess a license under the City of Edmonton. Cross Roads is a member of the Canadian Accreditation Council of Human Services for Children and Families (CAC). 

The certification and licence process has been ongoing since 2004. Both programs are fully certified and accredited programs and will continue to follow all Canadian Accreditation Council of Human Services standards.